Get in touch: kerosine.lamp@gmail.com

Hello, Stranger
There's a nasty rumor going around that nobody reads copy text.
That's bullshit.
While a pretty image with Lorem Ipsum may catch the eye, it’s the power of skillfully chosen words that seals the deal.
Needless to say, that when you speak on behalf of your brand, you must choose your words wisely.
And that’s where I come in.
Pencil in hand.
Blazing guitar solo howls in the background.
The Stuff
Concepts and ideation, scripts and transcreation, headlines and taglines, short and long copy, brand tonality and 360° campaigns are just some of the things I rock.
A sucker for creative strategy and big award ideas, I also enjoy writing mailings, SEO texts, social media posts, manifestos, poetry, and birthday cards. Birthday cards are the best.
Creative Strategy
Concept Development
Kick Ass Copy
While I truly suck at math, my right hemisphere (God bless it) steps in quite adeptly. Whether it's crafting creative concepts, composing resonant texts, writing catchy headlines or conjuring up last-minute award ideas — I'm always up to the challenge.
Get in touch and let's do something cool for your brand today!
About Me
Hi. I'm Sasha. And I do creative.
And stuff.
Miami Ad School graduate. Movie geek. Metalhead.
As a copywriter who was born in Uzbekistan, grew up in Israel, studied and worked in France, Denmark, and Germany, and is originally Russian, I definitely consider myself to be an 'international creative.'
I strongly believe that good concepts are universal and can easily overcome cultural and language barriers.
Speaking of languages, I speak four: English, German, Russian, and Hebrew.
